Sound in Games – 10/11/2021

Sound is an important part of immersion in GAVFX as it adds to one of the many senses that GAVFX products can interact to the user with. Although sight and sound are classed as the only two ways that GAVFX products can interact with the user, there is also Touch through the use of haptic feedbacks and new emerging tech like adaptive triggers. The haptics as such tend to activate based off the use of sound.

Sound in GAVFX tends to come in two forms, diegetic and non-diegetic sounds.

Diegetic sounds refers to sound effects in the world, sounds that the character can hear and interact with.

Non-diegetic sounds refers to elements such as background music and UI elements that when they are interacted with, it plays a sound.

Examples of Sound in Games:


Anticipation: As the player gets closer to goal, the roar of the crowd gets louder.

Atmosphere: Crowd singing football chants.

Reward: When scoring a goal the crowd roars and the commentator shouts with anticipation.

Feedback: When a player is fouled the referee’s whist blows and crowds boo the notion.

Informative Audio: When opening a Ultimate Team pack, a distinctive audio sound will play if the card is a rare card, also the commentators are explaining whats happening in games

Rayman Legends:

Anticipation: When the player enters the stage, Castle Rock, background music is playing in time with the players movements.

Atmosphere: Enemies pop up from out the ground and sing along to the song.

Reward: When you hit the enemies and you collect XP it makes a high pitched noise.

Feedback: Music is in sync with the gameplay so when you hit an enemy, it acts as an instrument in the game.

Informative Audio: You can tell if the hit was successful as it is in time with the audio and it makes a nice crisp sound.

Sound is important in video games as it adds to immersion and allows the player to be engrossed in the content they are consuming. Without the sound, the game will seem lifeless, no matter how amazing the game looks.

Sound Designers use an artform called Foley Art. Foley Art is the art of creating sound effects using everyday objects you see in the world, whether its a rod swooshing through the air or the sound of leaves being crumpled to simulate walking, Foley Artists will find a way to create the sound effect you need for your game.

The term sound design refers to the use of sounds in video games ranging from creating the sounds to how the user hears them. As an example in a game like Call of Duty, when the player is online the player might look at the minimap when a UAV is active to see an opposing player or alternatively, they can rely on the use of sound such as gunfire and footsteps surrounding the player to tell where the danger is coming from.

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